So, a couple of months ago, Liz Vance and I got to talking, and we thought it would be funny if we put together a fake wedding invite and sent it to Ross Coughanour. (For those of you who are unfamiliar with Ross and/or Liz, here is a quick summary.)
Ross Coughanour was experiencing knee trouble while he was serving in Brazil. After 9 months of being out, he was told by his mission president that it was bad enough, that he would not be returning to the mission field and advised him to move on with life. And that he did! Ross came home, fell madly in love with Liz Vance and was engaged no later than 8 days being home. A few days after that, their blissful future was abruptly put on hold. Ross received the results back from the doctor who said, "Well, Elder. Looks like it'll just be a couple weeks of therapy and you'll be back in the mission field!" Ross faithfully returned to the mission field, in Boston and resumed his labor of love as a full time missionary. But he has not neglected his love for his committed fiance, who is ever-planning and preparing for their wedding, and writes to her affectionately. Well... at least as affectionate as a focused missionary can be. :-) A long story made short... they are still anxiously engaged in being anxiously engaged, and plan to get married when he gets home.
But while he's been busy out in the mission field, I've been stewing at home plotting this joke! Mwa ha ha ha! We asked a fantastic photographer to help us with the pictures, and took an entire Saturday trying to figure out how to put it all together in Photoshop. And here lies our finished product. We sent him the invite on the 1st of April, so that when he received it, he could see it postmarked as the 1st of April. I still await for his reply. Can't wait!
So, most of you are probably thinking this is a horrible joke to play on such a dedicated character as Ross Coughanour... but, not to worry. We did it tastefully. Take a look.